Demo Software

Demo Software:


Your Spirit Rover is pre-loaded with a demo example. Its functionality is described in this section.

The demo software basically has four different modes as follows:

  1. Random actions triggered by an object or hand placed within 100mm of the ultrasonic rangefinder (these are Spirit's "eyes").

  2. Random autonomous roaming.

  3. Light Seeking.

  4. Transparent / Disabled Mode (used when Raspberry Pi takes over control).

You can view the demo behaviors and a description of how to change between them in our video here:

  • Use the BTN button to index between behavior modes 1 to 3.

  • When using the Raspberry Pi, the demo behaviors are disabled and the Arduino processor enters a transparent mode as soon as the Raspberry Pi sends any motor control code. From that point forward, the robot is controlled by the Raspberry Pi.

  • Normal function of the demo behaviors is restored after resetting the Arduino processor or cycling power to the robot.

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